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The tagging feature enables you to associate your products with keywords. Your customers can use the keywords to easily and quickly find the products they are looking for.
For instance, let's say customer wants to find a tablet computer in your shop. In order to find the product corresponding to his or her search, there needs to be a tag to associate "tablet" with "iPad".
Products tags are not the same as page keywords: they have no direct impact on search engine placement.
To work on your search engine placement, open the "SEO" tab of each product's creation sheet.
You have two ways to set up this feature.
You can associate several tags to your product from the moment you create it in PrestaShop, directly in the "Tags" field in the product's "Options".
The "Tags" page under the "Search" menu enables you to create new tags and manage existing tags. Once you have given tags to your products, you will get a very important list of tags. The "Tags" page will help you manage them all.
To create a new one, click on "Add new tag", and a creation page appears.
This interface enables you to add tags to one or many of your products.
Name. Give your tag a name. It should be short and to the point, so as to actually help your customers find the associated products instead of hindering them.
Language. Indicate in what language the tag should appear on your shop. PrestaShop is clever enough not to display keywords in Spanish to customers who chose to see the French version of the site, for instance.
Products. Select the products from the right column to which you would like to apply the tag. Hold on the Ctrl key on your keyboard in order to select several products at once.
Once you save the page, the named tag will be applied to all the products listed in the list on the right.
To add the same tag for another language, just repeat the operation, only this time, change the language.
After saving the tag, you are redirected to the list of tags, where you can edit or delete them, or even bulk delete them using the button at the bottom of the list. Next to the edit and trash icons, a number indicates how many products use the tag.
From now on, when your customers make a search query on your site, the results they will receive will also depend on the tags that you have associated with the products.