Pricing and Promotions modules
Loyalty Program
PrestaShop's loyalty module offers an advanced tool for building automatic vouchers depending on your customers' purchases and reward points. Your customers get a certain amount of loyalty points depending on the amount they spend at your shop.
The configuration screen enables you to be very specific about the generation of vouchers:
Ratio and 1 point =. Basically, the conversion rate of money spent in reward points, and of reward points in money won. The module uses the default currency of the shop. The Ratio field indicates how much money the customer should spend in order to get 1 reward point. The 1 point = field indicates how much money the customer gets for each reward point. By default, the settings are 10 and 0.20, which means that the customer wins $2 for each $100 spent on your shop.
Voucher details. This is simply the name of the voucher. It will appear in the customer's account page.
Minimum amount in which the voucher can be used. You can set a limit in order to keep customers from using vouchers as soon as there is the smallest sum of money on it. By default, it is set to 0, which mean that they can use the voucher whenever they want.
Apply taxes on voucher. You can choose to have the voucher be part of the tax calculation in the invoice, or exclude it from that calculation.
Points are awarded when the order is. By default, the reward points are awarded only when the product is delivered. But you might prefer to have them awarded at any other order status, for instance as soon as it is paid.
Points are canceled when the order is. Points can be canceled if the order reach a given status, for instance if it is canceled.
Give points on discounted products. Choose whether or not the customer get points when buying discounted products.
Categories. You might want the awarded vouchers to not work in some specific categories. Choose which ones are okay using this form.
Loyalty points progression. This section contains the messages that are displayed to the customer. You might want to change the phrases to better fit your shop's "attitude". Also, make sure to translate the phrases in all your supported languages.
Specials block
This module adds a block to your shop's home-page, where the customer can discover the current specials, as configured in your catalog.
You can add more products to the "Specials" by giving them a discount: go to the product's catalog page, open its "Prices" tab on the left, and in the "Specific prices" section, click the "Add a new specific price" button to open the creation form.
Last updated
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