Back-office shop metrics & data


Back-office shop metrics & data are a collection of informations found among multiple pages in the back-office of PrestaShop software. They provide data & pre-calculated metrics on various topics such as customers, products or orders.

Metrics & data


Main country

Displays the country from which most customers order on the shop over a specific timeframe

example : If 10 out of 15 customers' order are from France over the last 30 days, displays France

Customer main gender

Displays the main gender of the shop's customers as a percentage

example : if 70 out of 100 customers are female, displays 70% female customers

Average customer age

Displays the average age of the shop's customers. This metric doesn't take in account customers whom haven't input a birthdate.

example : if a shop has 5 customers, 3 having input their respective ages of 20, 30 and 40, and 2 without an age, displays the average of the 3 ages : 30 years

Newsletter registration

Displays the total number of customers subscribed to the shop's newsletter

example : if a shop has 10 customers but only 5 subscribed to the newsletter, displays 5

Order per customer

Displays the average number of order per active customers on the shop. Only orders with the following status are counted toward this metric :

  • Processing in progress

  • Payment accepted

  • Remote payment accepted

  • Shipped

  • Delivered

example : if 5 orders were delivered and the shop has 10 customers, displays 0.5

Customer relationship

Pending message

Displays the total number of unanswered customer messages.

example : if 5 customer have sent a message relative to their orders and the shop admin has answered 3 of them, displays 2

Average message response time

Displays the average response time to customers' messages over a specific timeframe. Response time are calculated by looking at the timestamp difference between a customer's message and the following shop admin's message.

example : if customers sent 3 messages over the last 30 days and the shop admin took 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours to answer each of them respectively, displays 2 hours

Message per thread

Displays the average number of messages per closed thread over a specific timeframe.

example : if 3 messages threads were closed over the last 30 days, with 5, 10 and 15 messages respectively, displays 10

Carts and orders

Conversion rate

Displays the percentage of visits that ended in an order for a specific timeframe. The formula is :


Only orders with the following statuts are counted for this metric :

  • Processing in progress

  • Payment accepted

  • Remote payment accepted

  • Shipped

  • Delivered

example : if there was a total of 10 visitors over the last 30 days and a total of 4 orders over the same period of time, displays 40%

Abandonned cart

Displays the number of abandonned cart over a specific timeframe. A cart is considered abandonned if a visitor created a cart but did not complete the order by end of the timeframe.

example : if a visitor put a pair of socks in their cart but did not complete the order and left the shop, displays 1

Netprofit visit

Displays the average net profit per visitors over a specific timeframe.

example : if the shop has a total net profit of 100€ over the last 30 days and a total of 10 visitors over the same period of time, displays €10

Average order value

Displays the average monetary value of orders over a specific timeframe. Unlike other metrics, this one does not take the status of the orders into account.

example : if the shop has 3 orders with respective monetary values of €30, €50 and €100, displays €60

Products and categories

Product per category

Displays the average number of products per category of the shop.

example : if the shop has a 100 products and 5 categories, displays 20

Disabled products

Displays the percentage of disabled products relative to the total number of products in the shop.

example : if the shop has 10 products and 4 of those are disabled, displays 40%

Disabled categories

Displays the number of disabled product categories of the shop.

example : if the shop has 10 product categories and 3 of those are disabled, displays 3.

Empty categories

Displays the number of empty product categories of the shop.

example : if the shop has 10 product categories and 3 of those are disabled, displays 3.

Top category

Displays the category with the best sales over a specific timeframe

example : if the shop's product category with the best sales over the last 30 days is Art, displays Art

Shop and modules

Enabled languages

Displays the number of active languages of a shop

example : if a shop has french and english as active languages, displays 2

Installed modules

Displays the number of installed modules on the shop, counting enabled and disabled modules alike.

example : if a shop has 10 enabled modules and 5 disabled modules, displays 15

Disabled modules

Displays the number of disabled modules on the shop.

example : if a shop has 10 enabled modules and 5 disabled modules, displays 5

Update modules

Displays the number of module to update on the shop.

example : if a shop has 15 enabled modules and 8 modules can be updated, displays 8

Last updated