Sales and orders


This module does not have any configuration settings, it can only be enabled or disabled. The module itself when is enabled will show up in the back - office section "Stats". The module in the "Stats" section only allows to sort the sales and orders.


Link to the test

The UI elements

From input

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values

Only numbers allowed


Default value

Depends on time period button that was clicked before


Help text



Tool tips



Lower limit



Upper limit





To input

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values

Only numbers allowed


Default value

Depends on time period button that was clicked before


Help text



Tool tips



Lower limit



Upper limit





Behaviors description

Time period buttons group behavior

Sales and orders on top has buttons group of 6 buttons (Buttons group UI kit) and they are:

  • Day - shows this day data.

  • Month - shows this month data.

  • Year - shows this year data.

  • Day -1 - shows last day data.

  • Month -1 - shows last month data.

  • Year -1 - shows last year data.

From input behavior

This input (Forms normal UI kit) is a date picker widget. It allows to enter period beginning date or to choose it from calendar in popup.

To input behavior

This input (Forms normal UI kit) is a date picker widget. It allows to enter period ending date or to choose it from calendar in popup.

Save button behavior

This is CTA button with save icon (Buttons with icons UI kit) once clicked saves button from button group or time period inputs settings. When hover mouse pointer on button, its color changes.

Yellow notification behavior

This is notification with exclamation mark (Alerts basics UI kit). It has title: About order statuses. This notification contains message and it is: In your back office, you can modify the following order statuses: Awaiting Check Payment, Payment Accepted, Preparation in Progress, Shipping, Delivered, Canceled, Refund, Payment Error, Out of Stock, and Awaiting Bank Wire Payment. These order statuses cannot be removed from the back office; however you have the option to add more.

Blue notification on the top behavior

This is notification with question mark (Alerts basics UI kit). This notification contains message and it is: The following graphs represent the evolution of your shop's orders and sales turnover for a selected period. You should often consult this screen, as it allows you to quickly monitor your shop's sustainability. It also allows you to monitor multiple time periods. Only valid orders are graphically represented.

Filtration behavior

For filtration there is a dropdown (Dropdowns basics UI kit) and Filter CTA button (Buttons outline UI kit). The dropdown default value is all countries, opened dropdown shows list of all countries in alphabetical order. Once country is selected and clicked Filter button, shows only the statistics from that selected country in diagrams. When hover mouse pointer on Filter button, its color changes.

Orders and products diagram behavior

This diagram shows orders and products data of selected period.

Sales diagram behavior

This diagram shows sales data of selected period in indicated currency.

CSV Export button behavior

This is CTA button (Buttons outline UI kit), once clicked downloads instantly the data in CSV format. When hover mouse pointer on Filter button, its color changes.

Blue notification on the bottom behavior

This is notification with question mark (Alerts basics UI kit). This notification contains message and it is: You can view the distribution of order statuses below.

Sales diagram behavior

This is a pie chart of orders statuses. If there is no orders in that period, instead of pie cart there is notification: No orders for this period.

Multistores functionality

Multistores dependent page.

Last updated