General setting


The purpose of this page is to set up the general attributes of carrier.

Common components

The UI elements

Carrier name input

DescriptionValueError message



The name field is required.

Allowed/Forbidden values

Allowed letters, numbers, spaces and ().-

The name field is invalid.

Default value



Help text



Tool tips

Allowed characters: letters, spaces and "().-". The carrier's name will be displayed during checkout. For in-store pickup, enter 0 to replace the carrier name with your shop name.


Lower limit



Upper limit


Your entry in field name (language English (English)) exceeds max length 64 chars (incl. HTML tags).



Transit time input

DescriptionValueError message



The field delay is required at least in English (English).

Allowed/Forbidden values


The delay field is invalid.

Default value



Help text



Tool tips

Country name - Invalid characters: <>;=#{}


Lower limit



Upper limit





Speed grade input

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values

Only one number from 0 to 9 is allowed.

The grade field is invalid.

Default value



Help text



Tool tips

Enter a "0" for a longest shipping delay, or "9" for the shortest shipping delay.


Lower limit



Upper limit


The grade field is too long (1 chars max).



Logo input

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values


Cannot upload file.

Default value



Help text

Format: JPG, GIF, PNG, WEBP. Filesize: 8.00 MB max. Current size: undefined.


Tool tips



Lower limit



Upper limit

8.00 MB

Cannot upload file.



Tracking URL input

DescriptionValueError message



The url field is invalid.

Allowed/Forbidden values



Default value



Help text

For example: '' with '@' where the tracking number should appear.


Tool tips

Delivery tracking URL: Type '@' where the tracking number should appear. It will be automatically replaced by the tracking number.


Lower limit



Upper limit





Behaviors description

General settings step behavior

This step has elements:

Carrier name input behavior

This is input (Forms normal UI kit) to enter carrier name.

Transit time input behavior

This is input (Forms normal UI kit) to enter transit time. This input has language dropdown to enter information for customers in different languages.

Speed grade input behavior

This is input (Forms normal UI kit) to enter speed grade.

Logo input behavior

This is input (Forms files UI kit) to choose file that will be shown as carrier logo. This input has a file icon on the left input side. On the right input side there is CTA button with a catalog icon with title Choose a file. Once clicked on input or button opens modal with this PC files. When file uploaded it is shown in Logo block in each carrier creation step.

Tracking URL input

This is input (Forms normal UI kit) to enter tracking URL.

Previous button behavior

This is outline CTA button (Buttons outline UI kit), once clicked the previous step is displayed. When hover mouse pointer on button, its color changes. This button is shown in each new carrier creation step.

Next button behavior

This is outline CTA button (Buttons outline UI kit), once clicked the next step is displayed. If there is an error, this button is disabled. When hover mouse pointer on button, its color changes. This button is shown in each new carrier creation step.

Finish button behavior

This is a green CTA button (Buttons basics UI kit), once clicked saves carrier and display carrier list. If there is an error, this button is disabled. When hover mouse pointer on button, its color changes. This button is shown in each new carrier creation step.

Last updated