

This page manages the setting for webshop administrators to temporary stop the access to the webshop Front-Office. Instead of accessing the webshop, there will be a maintenance page for the visitors.


Link to the test

Common components

Tabs section

The active selected tab Maintenance is highlighted using Navigation Tab UI Kit.

The main block

Header of the block - named General with material family icon nearby.

Enable store

Required toggle switch from Forms Switch UI Kit. It enables or disables the webshop from the Front-Office for visitors. The helper text from Forms Helpers UI Kit defines that:

We recommend that you deactivate your store while performing maintenance. Note that it will not disable the webservice.

Maintenance IP

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values

IP address or addresses can access the webshop Front-Office. All the IP addresses can be typed, separating with commas (,).


Default value

Empty or saved IP adresses


Help text

"Allow IP addresses to access the store, even in maintenance mode. Use a comma to separate them (e.g.,,"


Tool tips



Lower limit

No limitations for number of characters (as seen in database).


Upper limit

No limitations for number of characters (as seen in database).



Behavior of Maintenance IP


Add IP button

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values



Default value



Help text



Tool tips



Lower limit



Upper limit




Behavior of Add IP button


Custom maintenance text area

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values



Default value

We are currently updating our shop and will be back really soon. Thanks for your patience.


Help text

0 of 21844 characters allowed


Tool tips



Lower limit



Upper limit




Behavior of the custom maintenance text area


Multistores dropdown component

If the content is displayed on All Shops mode, there is an element from the Dropdown Variation UI Kit, market-style material icon included, which shows the available Multistores, that are set in the webshop. These dropdowns are placed on the right side with all the paragraphs aligned. Once the dropdowns are clicked, the arrow-style icon will reposition upwards and a contextual block will appear.

Search shop name input

DescriptionValueError message



No results fount for "{searched word}"

Allowed/Forbidden values



Default value

Placeholder text "Search shop name"


Help text



Tool tips



Lower limit



Upper limit




Behavior of input with a placeholder


Behaviors descriptions


This sub-section MUST describe the page workflow

This sub-section MUST include a diagram of this worflow (using : or figma ) & the xml export of this workflow

Behavior descriptions

Behavior of the Maintenance IP field

Input field of Forms Normal UI Kit. This field can be filled only with the IP addresses. If the webshop is on Maintenance mode, certain IP addresses can be as exceptions. That means, that devices with only certain IP address or addresses can access the webshop Front-Office. All the IP addresses can be typed, separating with commas (,).

Add my IP call to action

Clicking the CTA button (from Buttons with icons UI Kit), the page contains JavaScript, and it initiates adding the current IP address to the input field. Just one click and the IP address is stored automatically.

The format of the IP address is as standard and follows the standard IP address construction from 4 byte-type elements: XX.XX.XX.XX

Save call to action

User saves the information of the form in Maintenance page, so that he can configure the traffic of the webshop and deny or prevent the access of the front page visitors.

  • This sub-section COULD contains a link to the relevant business rule

Behavior of the custom maintenance text area

It has the following components:

  • Tab selections for different languages from Navigation Pills UI Kit. By default, the main tab selected is the default Prestashop language tab.

Search input with a placeholder

Search shop name from Forms Normal UI Kit, and a magnifier icon nearby. If there are more than 2 characters typed into the field, the additional dropdown will be shown with the text No results fount for "{searched word}" if nothing matches, or the text in the dropdown text will be bolded, if the wording matches the Multistore name. Clicking on the name appeared will reload the page and switch the content to the exact Multistore.

Input Multistore dropdown behaviors

Once there are Multistores installed, the input fields will contain the dropdowns. The dropdown will contain the following elements:

  • Headlines with the Multistore group name.

  • Multistore names - will be listed one after other, with the additional definitions nearby - the main Multistore will be defined as Customized (with a lock-style icon nearby), the other Multistores will be defined as Inherited (green colored bolded text). Clicking on the names will reload the page and switch the content to the exact Multistore.

Text editing tools in the Custom maintenance text area

The tools available allows to customize the maintenance text, that will be displayed in Front-Office. Once the tool button is hovered, there will be alt text with the tool name, for better orientation. The buttons are referred to Buttons Toolbar UI Kit.

Text editing tools list.

Character counter help text in the Custom maintenance text area

There is a character counter text, right above the input form. It shows how many characters are stored in the input area and what is the maximum amount of characters in that input area.

Helper text notifies, that, 21844 characters allowed in the form.


User should check his IP address by himself or simply click the button Add my IP, to store the current IP of the computer.

Last updated