Add or Edit Merchandise Returns


This functionality able to make a return action of purchased goods via Prestashop. It is described as Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA). All the Editing page UI elements are described below.

Components description

Link to the test

Components description


Link to the test

Common components

The UI elements

Status dropdown

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values



Default value

Current return status


Help text

Merchandise return (RMA) status.


Tool tips



Lower limit



Upper limit





Behaviors description

Customer behavior

Shows the details of the customer - first and last name, and View details on the customer page link to the Customer profile.

Order behavior

Shows the exact date when order was created by the customer, as well as View details on the order page link to the exact order in Order page.

Customer explanation behavior

Shows the explanation for the return that was entered by customer when requested the return.

Status dropdown behavior

This is dropdown (Dropdowns basics UI kit) with several statuses, used to give the update to the applying customer. By default is shown the current return status.

The statuses are the following:

  • Waiting for confirmation - the status is set by default at the first action, when customer requests a return.

  • Waiting for package - the status, indicating that the PrestaShop merchant is waiting for the returning pack from the customer. Once the status is changed, the customer gets notification about the status change.

  • Package received - the status, indicating that the PrestaShop merchant has received the returning pack from the customer. Once the status is changed, the customer gets notification about the status change.

  • Return denied - the status, indicating that the PrestaShop merchant is denied the returning pack from the customer. Once changed, the customer gets notification about the status change.

  • Return completed - the status, indicating that the PrestaShop merchant has completed the return case of the pack from the customer. Once changed, the customer gets notification about the status change.

Products behavior

The list of products in the return package displayed in a listing UI. Under list is helper text: List of products in return package. There are these elements in the list:

Delete button behavior

This is CTA button with X icon (Buttons with icons UI kit). When hover mouse pointer on it, button's color changes. Once clicked button deletes the product from the list. If there is a deletion attempt from the Return Package list, when only 1 item is in the list, redirects the user to Merchandise returns list page with the notification message (Alerts basics UI kit): You need at least one product.

Returns form behavior

This is specific PDF invoice document, showing the details about the request of the return, appears for downloading, only when the customer requests for a return of the goods, and the PrestaShop merchant sets the Status of return to Waiting for package. The PDF contains Billing and Delivery Address, message, that PrestaShop has logged the return request, the deadline when the package must be returned, return number, date. Items to be returned list, reference, quantity, following conditions declarations, if the conditions are not met. There is helper text under document: The link is only available after validation and before the parcel gets delivered.

Multistores compatibility

This page is Multistores dependent page.

Merchandise Editing functionality is separately maintained by each separate multistore shop. It means, that all the Merchandise Returns and Orders are managed separately in each multistore, by switching the Multistore Switcher to the appropriate shop. All Shops view context is also available, it is comfortable to see all the Merchandise Returns in one list from all the shops.

Last updated