

This UI shows the list of features, that needs the attention from administrator.


Link to the test

Common components

Commercial pop-up block

At the first time, the once page is visited, there is a 808×295.867 pixels pop-up block, right after the Top UI section. The block has a commercial message containing the elements:

  • Closing icon (X) - once the icon is clicked, the system stores information to Cookies, and the pop-up block is not showing again.

  • Focus on your catalog - inspirational title of the pop-up block.

  • The text says Empty categories, disabled products, items that lack image or price... check the monitoring section to optimize your products management and make sure you forgot nothing.

  • Learn more CTA - ghost button CTA, linking to a documentation page.

The names of the sections

There are 7 sections for monitoring purposes. They are:

  • List of empty categories

  • List of products with combinations but without available quantities for sale

  • List of products without combinations and without available quantities for sale

  • List of disabled products

  • List of products without images

  • List of products without description and summary

  • List of products without price

Top section elements

Title of the section

Gear icon


Arranging actions in sections

There are ID, Reference, Name, Status, Actions (ID, Name, Description, Displayed, Actions in the List of empty categories section) arrangement column titles on the top row of each table. Once those column titles are clicked, the table column will arrange the information using the A-Z and 1-9 scheme, then Z-A and 9-1 method will be shown on second click. This functionality is not affecting Actions column title click.





Filtering actions in sections

Search ID field

Search reference

Search name

Blank dropdown

Search CTA

The content elements in sections



Reference or Name

Description or Name text

Enable or Disable toggle switch button

Pen icon

Three-dot menu

Search CTA

Reset (X)


The element stands in the bottom of all the sections, if there are more than 10 entries, it helps to edit and navigate through the enormous amount of entries in the table.

  • First page number value 1 - when there is the 1st page of the table displayed, the number will be greyed, once the user navigates to the further pages, the first number value becomes active.

  • Left arrow (<) - initiates navigation through pages backwards.

  • Input field - setting the desired number of page, clicking Enter or somewhere blank on UI, initiates the page changing.

  • Right arrow (>) - initiates navigation through pages forward.

  • Biggest page number value - displays the biggest number of pages in table.

  • Viewing {value}-{value} out of {value} (page {value} / {value}) - displays the current indication in page navigation.

  • Items per page - displays possibility to change the maximum entries to show in one page - 10, 20, 50, 100.

Behaviors descriptions

Title of the section behavior

Includes the title and the total number of available entries - those are displayed in brackets.

Gear icon behavior

It is a Gear style icon in the corner - top-right position of the section. This icon has a short rotation animation once clicked. Clicking on this icon, leads to dropdown Refresh list link with the rotation style icon. It refreshes the whole page.

Notification behavior

Only List of empty categories section starts with informative blue-box notification with the information icon, with the text saying An empty category is a category that has no product directly associated to it. An empty category may however contain products through its subcategories..

ID behavior

Unique identification of the entry. Arrange the list by ID.

Reference behavior

Unique entry reference. Arrange the list by Reference. (Name - in List of empty categories only)

Name behavior

Entry name description text. Arrange the list by Name. (Description - in List of empty categories only)

Displayed behavior

Enabled toggle button or Disabled toggle button values arrangement. Arrange the list by shown or hidden entries. (Status - in List of empty categories only)

Search ID field behavior

A text input field with the placeholder Search ID, inputting number, clicking Search CTA, will filtrate the numeric results.

Search reference behavior

A text input field with the placeholder Search reference, inputting letters, clicking Search CTA will filtrate the appropriate reference results (Search name - in List of empty categories only).

Search name behavior

A text input field with the placeholder Search name, inputting letters, clicking Search CTA will filtrate the appropriate name results (Search description - in List of empty categories only)

Blank dropdown behavior

A dropdown element, having Blank value by default, YES or NO value.

Checkbox behavior

Category marking element which appears if there are more than 1 entries in a list.

Number behavior

Unique number of the category.

Reference or Name behavior

Unique reference or name displayed.

Description or Name text behavior

Individual entry description or name text displayed.

Enable or Disable toggle switch button behavior

By default, the button is Enabled on the entries. It enables showing or hiding the entry in Front-Office. Once the button is clicked, the notification will prompt in the top-right corner of the page UI - The status has been successfully updated.

Pen icon behavior

Clicking redirects to the edition of the element entry (Magnifier icon - redirects to the categories editing page - in the List of empty categories only).

Three-dot menu behavior

Clicking shows dropdown with the options - Edit, which leads to entry editing page and Delete, which leads to the deletion action (only Delete - in List of empty categories section). After clicking Delete, the pop-up with confirmation text will appear named Delete selection Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)? and two buttons - one ghost button to Cancel the action and red CTA button to Delete the desired entry. Delete confirmation Successful deletion. appears right after clicking the Delete, and pop-up closes right after clicking the Close button.

Search CTA behavior

After clicking the button, the search results will be returned in the table. If there are no results found, there will be a black triangle icon with with a white exclamation mark displayed in table, and a small description above - No records found. X icon and Reset near Search CTA indicates about resetting the search.

Reset (X) behavior

Resets the search results back to empty search interface.

Multistores functionality

This page is Multistores dependent page.

The listing is displayed separately from all the available Multistores in webshop, because of the separate databases in each Multistore.

Last updated