
Path from content root : mails/themes/{theme_name}/core/guest_to_customer.html.twig

Basic Scenario

As a merchant or customer I want receive an email when the guest account has been turned into a customer account to confirm the change of status account

Accpetance Test

Acceptance test 1 (FO)

Given that I am in “ personal information” ( Step 1: Payment) page


  1. I fill all informations on this page without the password In “order as a guest” colone and i click on “cotinue” button.

  2. I fill in all the information required for payment ( step 2, 3, 4) and validate the payment.

  3. On the order summary page, at the end of the page, enter a password in the "define your password" field and click on "create an account".

Then I must receive an email confirming that my guest account has been turned into a customer account

Acceptance test 2 (BO)

Given that I am on the Manage your Customer page ( Custormer)


  1. I oppen one customer field

  2. In the top right-hand box, click on “ transform to a customer account” button ( blue button)

Then The customer must receive an email confirming that his guest account has been turned into a customer account

Last updated