Add new theme


This page opens once clicked on Add new theme button in Theme & Logo page. In this page theme for the shop can be uploaded.

Common components

The UI elements

Add new theme button

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values



Default value



Help text



Tool tips

Add new theme


Lower limit



Upper limit





Export current theme button

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values



Default value



Help text



Tool tips

Export current theme


Lower limit



Upper limit





Zip file input

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values



Default value

Placeholder: Choose file(s)


Help text

Browse your computer files and select the Zip file for your new theme.


Tool tips

No file chosen


Lower limit



Upper limit





Archive URL input

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values



Default value



Help text

Indicate the complete URL to an online Zip file that contains your new theme. For instance, "".


Tool tips



Lower limit



Upper limit





Select the archive dropdown

DescriptionValueError message




Allowed/Forbidden values



Default value



Help text

This selector lists the Zip files that you uploaded in the '/themes' folder.


Tool tips



Lower limit



Upper limit





Behaviors description

Add new theme button behavior

This is CTA button with plus icon (Buttons with icons UI kit), once clicked it refreshes the page. When hover mouse pointer on it, button color changes.

Export current theme button behavior

This is CTA button with export icon (Buttons with icons UI kit), once clicked after a few moments redirects to Theme & Logo page and appears notification (Alerts basics UI kit): Your theme has been correctly exported: "URL of the theme location in your files".

Title of Import from your computer behavior

It contains title and files icon.

Zip file input behavior

This is a field (Forms files UI kit) for uploading a zip file. This input has a button "Browse", when pressed opens a native OS popup to navigate to the zip file. When file is double-clicked or selected and clicked Open button, popup closes.

Below there is a CTA button Save with import icon (Buttons with items UI kit), when a file is uploaded, and the button is pressed, theme will be uploaded. If the format of the uploading file isn't correct, the following error will be shown: Invalid file format. If no file is uploaded, when pressing Save button, the following message is shown: Please select theme's import source.

Title of Import from the web behavior

It contains title and files icon.

Archive URL input behavior

This is a field (Forms normal UI kit) to enter archive URL.

Below there is a CTA button Save with import icon (Buttons with items UI kit), when archive URL is entered saves URL. When pressing the button with an empty field, a message at the top is shown: Please select theme's import source. If an incorrect URL is entered, when trying to save, redirects to Theme & Logo page.

Title of Import from FTP behavior

It contains title and files icon.

Select the archive dropdown behavior

This is a dropdown (Dropdowns basics UI kit) to select the archive, when pressed, it shows the options of the already uploaded .zip files in the file directory.

Below there is a CTA button Save with import icon (Buttons with items UI kit), when pressing the button with an empty field, a message at the top is shown: Please select theme's import source. If a theme that is already used is selected in the drop-down, when pressing save will show the following error: "There is already a theme classic in your themes folder. Remove it if you want to continue."

Multistore functionality

Multistores dependent page.

Last updated