
Associated to MOCCT-014


Cas of an Invoice without (specific, price, catalog, price rules or group customer)

2 - Retrieve all the Name of products present in the chart

3 - The rate associate to each product

4 - The price tax excluded as displayed in the catalog of the FO

5 - The quantity of products added in the chart

6 - Retrieve the data of Step_CP_Q_By_item

7 - The list of discount apply on the chart in the same order as this one apply in the chart : Retrieve all Step_Discount_Cart_rule_X_Tax_excluded

8 - List of products 9 - aggregate by taxes and shipping

10 - Base of price after apply discounts Step_Taxes_excluded_By_Item and aggregate by taxes

11 - Taxes associated to 10- C Attention delta entre 10% de 176,42 et 17.67

12 - Ajouter cette étape après avoir fait les US arrondis

13 - Retrieve Step_Sum_Cart_rules_discount_Tax_excluded

14 - The cost of shipping taxe excmuded

15 - Retrieve Step_Taxes_excluded_with_shipping_cost_excluded_total

16 - Sum Step_AmountTVATaxExcluded_Total + tax shipping (TODO or sum of taxes of invoice ?)

17 - Retrieve Step_Taxes_included_with_shipping_cost_included_total

18 - Retrieve Step_Taxes_included_with_shipping_cost_included_total

Last updated