
Path from content root : mails/themes/{theme_name}/core/credit_slip.html.twig

Basic Scenario

As an merchant I want receive an email when i generate a credit slip in case of product return to let me know that the credit slip is available

Accpetance Test

Acceptance 1: Partial Refund (BO)

Given that your are on “customer" page


  1. Selects a customer who has made purchases

  2. In order table click in “ view” button on action colone.

  3. Click on “partial refund” button

  4. Selects the quantity to be refund

  5. Check the box "Generate a Credit Slip." 4.Click in “partial refund” button

Then you must receive an email confirming that your We have generated a credit slip in your name for order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1]

Acceptance 2: Return products (BO)

Given that your are on “customer" page


  1. Selects a customer who has made purchases

  2. In order table click in “ view” button on action colone.

  3. Click on “return products” button

  4. Selects the quantity to be return

  5. Check the box "Generate a Credit Slip." 4.Click in “return products” button

Then you must receive an email confirming that your We have generated a credit slip in your name for order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1]

Last updated